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Advantages of working with us

There are many companies on the market today offering various schemes of goods delivery based on the principle "we will ease your headache, we will do everything for you". But for the customers in many cases the scheme itself is not clear nor its legality.

From the very beginning we are set on a constant dialogue with our customers in order to explain in detail how and what do we do. Here are some of our advantages above our competitors:

  • A real work experience of goods clearance at various customs posts under different customs regimes (temporary import/export, import/export);
  • Successful practices of cooperation with the customs representatives (brokers), centers of e-declaration anywhere from Moscow to Vladivostok with remote release procedures;
  • Long-term strategic partnership with one of the leading international transport and logistics holding company, allowing us to provide the best rates for shipping to customers;
  • Established relationships with the Chambers of Commerce in Europe and North America, which promotes faster supplier search and operational verification of their reliability and solvency.