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Customs clearance

Customs clearance

Continuous reforms of the customs system in Russia and the Customs Union in whole forces business to carefully choose the place of customs clearance.

Continuous reforms of the customs system in Russia and the Customs Union in whole forces business to carefully choose the place of customs clearance. Idea of the "Concept of customs clearance and customs control of goods in locations close to the state border of the Russian Federation" proposed by Federal Customs Service of Russian Federation was born  in 2008 and has led to the abolition of a substantial part of customs posts in the Moscow region. So there was a necessity and an opportunity to start customs clearance at the border. With all the conflicting views on the success of the concept we as a company that is highly involved in foreign trade have experienced positive trends and were able to find the customs representatives (brokers) providing service for customs clearance at high level.

It is also expected that Russia's entry into the WTO will lead to significant optimization and cost reduction in the customs clearance procedures.

We can offer services of customs clearance assistance at the customs posts in the areas of the Central Customs Administration (ZTU), Northwestern Customs Administration (SZTU), Far-Eastern Customs Administration (DVTU).

Here is a list of the most in-demand services for customs clearance:

- Customs clearance at Moscow airports (Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo and Vnukovo), at Strigino airport (Nizhny Novgorod), Tolmachevo (Novosibirsk). If you choose Kraftlog for foreign trade transaction we will issue a custom declaration using our own declarants and lodge it to the customs authorities using electronic digital signature (EDS). Clearance could be done based on the Customer`s foreign trade contract and using customs broker or customer`s EDS for release of goods.

Kraftlog is able to rapidly organize bonded goods transportation using our own trucks. We have a great experience of working with exhibition goods and clearance under CARNET ATA.

- Customs clearance of goods transported by rail on the Russian border crossings. Clearance at the border rail stations in transit perfectly suits for large-size equipment because customs inspection could be easily done right at the rail station customs control zone without unloading. Filling in a peculiar manner of 4th and 6th column of railway bill let us control wagons arrival to the assigned station, legally make clearance and avoid a redirection of wagons. We have a real experience in clearance at the rail stations of Smolensk, Bryansk, Zabaikalsk.;

- Preliminary declaration of goods;

- Customs clearance of goods through the e-declaration centers using remote release procedure;

- Customs clearance of the goods for which Federal Customs Service rendered a decision about their classification (classification decision). Working with such goods makes us draw a specific attention on every step of the process. Customs clearance using classification decision has obvious advantages:

1.                  Time and cost saving

2.                  Simplified customs procedure

3.                  No need to declare each item

4.                  Possible to clear separate components by lots

5.                  No need to make certificates for each item

6.                  The single HS code has 0% duty (in most cases)


Before everything else we have to define does customer really need to obtain classification decision and does it worth to apply to Federal Customs Service. Normally this document is needed in case of:

1.                   Doubts about right HS code

2.                   Coherence of components

3.                   Impossibility of declaring all components at once

4.                   Three years or more after clearing  of the 1st lot

5.                   One consignee

6.                   One contract

7.                   The same customs post


Our specialists will make for you a detailed assessment of forthcoming shipment and its correspondence to the above mentioned criterions, perform an audit of the contract and technical documents and help you to collect needed set of docs to apply for classification decision. Our experience has shown that getting of classification decision is impossible without taking professionals in the process.   


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