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Foreign Trade Activity (FTA) outsourcing

Аутсорсинг ВЭД

Outsourcing is the transfer of business processes to the third-party (specialized subcontractor) on a long-term basis.

Russian companies for a long time now have successfully entrusted outsourcing companies on the following activities:

  • Recruitment and training of staff;
  • Legal services;
  • IT infrastructure;
  • Accounting;
  • Call Centers;
  • Economic and Information Security;
  • Transport and logistics.

In fact any kind of activity could be transferred to outsourcing if it will allow business to grow more effectively and will lead to releasing of appropriate managerial, financial and human resources to develop new business areas.

The concept of FTA outsourcing appeared in Russia in the early 21st century. The need in outsourcing arose "thanks to" the imperfection of customs legislation, complexity and intricacy of the preparation to and process of customs clearance itself, its high cost and necessity to face the bureaucracy (generating corruption) every day on the local level. Foreign trade companies, even having their staff in Foreign Trade Departments, did not want to incur additional costs and hardly predictable risks.

We deal daily on foreign trade transactions, we keep track of recent changes in customs and currency legislation, interacting with customs authorities.

We really can improve effectiveness of your business by taking over the functions of importer or exporter under the foreign trade contract. To get more information about the options of cooperation please download a short presentation.

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