Document list for customs clearance

For customs clearance it is required to provide to the customs authorities a certain set of documents. The list of documents and information required for customs clearance in accordance with the chosen customs regime is regulated by the order N 536 dd. April 25, 2007 of the Federal Customs Service (the text and the changes can be found here).

In practice, the list of documents for each customs post is almost always different. We offer you a provisional list of documents required for customs clearance in import regime.

1. Documents on the firm-importer to register at the customs post.

  • Application for registration of a standard form;
  • Certificate of Tax Registration (INN);
  • Certificate of entry in the state register (OGRN);
  • Statement from the bank about current accounts (original, valid for 1 month);
  • Statement from the statistical office (OKPO), valid for 6 months;
  • Extract from the orders of appointment for General Director and Chief Accountant;
  • Passport copies of General Director and Chief Accountant;
  • Passport data of the founders;
  • Memorandum of association;
  • Company charter and its changes (valid);
  • Tenancy agreement (or title of ownership) on the premises where company is registered with the provision of documents confirming rental payments.

2. Documents for customs declaration.

  • Shipping documents for the cargo;
  • Foreign trade contract with the current changes, additions, specifications;
  • The passport of the transaction;
  • Documents for advance payment (application for transfer/bank statement confirming writing off);
  • Commercial Invoice;
  • Certificates: of origin, of conformity, of quality, sanitary-epidemiological conclusion certificate, phytosanitary certificate etc.;
  • Other authorization documents;
  • Packing lists;
  • Insurance and a bill confirming the amount of the insurance premium;
  • Money Order for payment of customs duties;
  • Technical documentation;
  • Contract with customs warehouse and with customs representative (broker).

3. Additional documents may be required to confirm the value of the goods.

  • Price list from the seller/manufacturer (in the form of a public offer);
  • Export Declaration;
  • Invoices for transportation (when shipment is made on EXW, FCA or similar conditions);
  • Explanation of the terms of the sale, which could affect the price of the transaction (standard form);
  • If formerly customs clearance took place at the other customs post you have to provide a copy of the previously released declarations;
  • Other documents that may be consider necessary to confirm the value of the goods.

The above documents are usually given in copies certified by the company or in the form of notarized copies.

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